Women’s History Women’s suffrage was a movement aimed at the voting rights of women. Prior to the 19th amendment, women were not allowed to vote. It was a worldwide movement and with the 19th amendment, women were granted the right to vote in the US. The 19th amendment was ratified on August 18, 1920. The struggle continues in
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Pelvic Physical Therapy: What it is and How it Helps Women
Pelvic physical therapy is a highly specialized form of rehabilitation conducted by a physical therapist who has undergone training in examination and treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction. Pelvic physical therapy has been a form of rehabilitation for over 40 years. Due to the stigmatization of pelvic health issues, in the past many men and women
Read MoreWhat is Telemedicine?
The legal definition of “telemedicine is when a health care practitioner uses HIPAA-compliant, interactive, real-time audio and video telecommunications (including web-based applications) or store and forward technology to deliver covered services that are within his or her scope of practice to a client at a site other than the site where the provider is located
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Insomnia is a sleep disorder that affects 35% of adults alone. It can be caused by other health problems, such as waking up to urinate either during pregnancy or with disorders of the prostate. Maybe you have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or maybe you cannot sleep as long as you would like. Poor sleep
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Anxiety Anxiety is a response/reaction of the body to stressful, dangerous, or unfamiliar situations. A certain amount of anxiety helps keep us aware and safe, for example fight or flight. It’s a feeling or sense of uneasiness, distress, or dread. Anxiety is just as real as heart disease or diabetes. It is the most common
Read MoreSkin Hygiene
I have been asked to talk about dry skin, so let’s talk about dry skin and skin hygiene. Most patients groan when I talk about skin hygiene, but we all shower or bathe. Good skin hygiene is an extra step missing out of some of our routines. Have you noticed that your skin is dryer
Read MoreWhy Intimate Health
I treat many primary care complaints from the common cold, Urinary infections, Depression, Birth Control, nail infections and more. I enjoy helping people obtain knowledge to guide them in making informed desions about their health. I started Intimate Health to help people with intimate issues patients find difficult to discuss. I have often noticed the
Read MoreParonychia
Paronychia is an infection of the nailbed that can be acute or chronic. Nail infections are more common now with the popularity of manicures and pedicures. The acute infection starts rapidly and is usually caused by bacteria entering the broken skin. Broken skin can be caused by a trauma or aggressive manicuring. It can also
Read MoreErectile Dysfunction
In my experience men will come in an ask for the “blue pill” to treat Erectile Dysfunction. Unfortunately, it is not as easy as just take the blue pill. It is important for your health and well being to find the cause of the ED. 40% of men are affected by ED by age 40
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